Baseball Jack Bauer Squared Sim Baseball

Games 29-30: The Skid Hits 7

What’s this, Dear Reader? You’ve returned for more suffering? Let’s cut right to the chase. We lost another two to run our losing streak to seven games. Did it matter that we were facing an equally struggling team? Why of course not? 

We opened this two-game interleague series against 69-92 25 different teams at home, and each team put up 4 runs in the 3rd inning. Again Mike Cuellar was useless, but the headline will be if he ever has a good game at this point.

It was 5-5 going to the 8th, and on came Rod Beck to try to keep it that way. News alert: He didn’t. Shooter got the wrong end of the gun for the second straight game, giving up 5 runs while recording only two outs. His ERA ballooned to 6.75 after being 2.20 just two games earlier. Guess who else has a 6.75 ERA? Cuellar!

A couple runs in the bottom of the 9th weren’t near enough, and we dropped our sixth straight, 10-7.

Game 29

To try to turn the tide, we had to turn to a spot starter, Dave Goltz. Pitchers in WIS can work about 10% more than their real-life innings, so you have to pace them to stay fairly close to accurate usage. My starters have gotten just a bit of fatigue, so Goltz was on hand to fill in a few times through the season just like this.

Bulletin: He wasn’t up to the task. The manager left Goltz in a bit too long, as he gave up 6 runs and 11 hits in 6 innings. Our offense couldn’t do much to help, and a 6-3 loss ran the losing streak to seven.

Game 30

Next up: two games with the team with the league’s worst record (though we are quickly providing competition for that crown). 24 Pack of 24 Distinct Ales has lost 4 in a row and 9 out of 10. Something’s gotta give, and at this point I’d bet on them.

By Jason Winston

Jason Winston is a lifelong baseball fan and player of various simulation games. He has worked as (among other things) a professional educator, journalist, marketing writer, and compliance analyst. He has managed tens of thousands more games than Connie Mack did, and with a better winning percentage, too!

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